Your $30 Next Big Nashville Wristband grants you access to all NBN 2007 venues on the specified dates and times during the week of September 5-9 (look here for the schedule of live music and events). Your wristband also ensures priority access* to all showcases for NBN 2007’s 130 plus artists and provides discounts at participating retail outlets and websites the week of the festival**.
After buying your ticket through Ticketweb, Grimey’s Records or Grand Palace, you can redeem that ticket or your online receipt for your 5 Day NBN 2007 Wristband at the Cannery Ballroom box office, which will be open from noon to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 5 through Friday, Sept. 7.
Tickets for individual showcases vary in price and availability (wristbands and badges get priority access over “walk up” customers) and will not be available for purchase beforehand.
All lineups subject to change. No refunds, no exchanges.
* Wristbands supersede walk-up ticket buyers and VIP Badges will supersede wristbands in the event that the showcase is at venue capacity.
** For example 10% off CD’s at Grimey’s Records. Check here for updates on participating businesses.
The official NBN Shuttles (brought to you by the Downtown Partnership) will be running between each participating venue from 7:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Thursday through Saturday.
You’ll never have to wait longer than 15 minutes to get on board and, more importantly, you won’t have to worry about finding a parking spot at the Exit/In. Although it is not required, the easiest way to take advantage of the shuttles will be to park at the Downtown Library Garage ($4-$5) at the corner of 6th and Commerce. The shuttles will be running to and from that location throughout the evening.